Syria: MdM outraged by the deadly bombing on Qah village

On Sunday 27th April, an airstrike on the Syrian village of Qah in the Idlib region hit a school. Three people died (including two children) and eleven others were injured. Injured people have been treated in the closest hospitals. Some of these facilities are supported by MdM.
One of MdM warehouses was also hit and its entire stock – including over 450 hygiene kits – destroyed. At the moment, there is no evidence that the association was being targeted. Since October 2012, MdM has been working with Syrians in internally displaced camps in Qah, near the Turkish borders. The organisation provides Syrians with medical assistance, through nine primary healthcare centers located in the different camps of the region.
MdM strongly condemns these attacks and reiterates the imperative for all parties to the conflict to respect the rules of International Humanitarian Law and protect civilians and civilian infrastructures. In addition, the safety and security of the medical and humanitarian personnel, infrastructures and medical transportation vehicles must be guaranteed without any further delay.