MdM supports a fifth primary health care in Lebanon

In response to the still rising needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Lebanon, Médecins du Monde (MdM) /Doctors of the World is supporting a fifth primary health care centre (PHCC) since October 1st in addition to the four already supported, that is located in Qab Elias, Bekaa valley. Supporting this health centre run by the Islamic Welfare Society and belonging to the Ministry of Health network is an important step in MdM intervention in Lebanon; an absolute necessity in order to improve the coverage of the Syrians’ and Lebanese communities’ health needs and support Lebanon in its constant efforts to host the refugees.
As of December 9; Lebanon counts 1,134,937 registered Syrian refugees[1] who fled the war in their home country. Their presence, representing approximately 25% of the whole population, is putting a real strain on Lebanese infrastructures, including the health system. With winter settling in, an increase in the medical needs of Syrian refugees is expected. MdM bears the responsibility to help the existing health system respond to these needs.
Qab Elias is considered to be one of the most vulnerable locations in the Bekaa as it hosts over 6,000 Syrians refugees for 55,000 inhabitants[2], approximately 11% of its population. Through its support of the PHCC, MdM covers each month 1,000 consultations for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Lebanese persons from the communities with a special focus on pregnant women and children under 5. Mental health services are also provided.
The Islamic Welfare Society is now MdM’s third local partner in Lebanon as the organization has chosen to adopt a partner-based approach for its response to the humanitarian crisis. “The civil society is very active in answering the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon and has a very good knowledge of the communities it serves. Our role as an INGO is not to replace existing systems and structures but to support them deal with the drastic increase in demand for health services. All in all, our approach is to support Lebanon to cope with the humanitarian situation it has been facing for more than three years now” states Sandrine Lecomte, MdM Interim General Coordinator.
MdM is an international humanitarian organization that provides medical care to the most vulnerable populations affected by war, natural disasters, disease, famine, poverty and exclusion with programs in 79 countries around the world;
MdM has been working to reduce the impact of the Syrian crisis on Syrian refugees’ and vulnerable Lebanese health since March 2012 by supporting primary health care centres in Beirut and the Bekaa valley in coordination with the Ministry of Health, and in partnership with Amel Association, Father Elian Nasrallah and the Islamic Welfare society, and with the financial support of UK Aid.