Yemen: MdM assists victims
As the fighting intensifies, particularly in South Yemen, Doctors of the World – Médecins du Monde (MdM) has decided to support teams in Aden governorate with drugs and surgical supplies to provide civilians—the first victims of the conflict—with a better access to healthcare.
MdM worked in Yemen between 2004 and 2012, notably providing healthcare to displaced people. During this time, the organisation forged links with many local partners. As health needs continue to escalate, few aid organisations are able to deploy in the country but Yemen is clearly facing a humanitarian crisis .
“Most of the hospitals are overwhelmed and are running out of medical supplies. The situation is critical,” explains Gilbert Potier, MdM’s International Operations Manager.
MdM has chosen to support public facilities in Aden and a Yemeni association of volunteer health workers who have performed surgery on numerous casualities since 26 March. As a first step, MdM will provide them with medical supplies to enable them to respond as quickly as possible to the needs of the population.